Sunday, September 30, 2012

Is Obama's campaign disenfranchising GOP voters?

There's been much in the news lately about a firm hired by the GOP to register voters in Florida. That firm has allegedly turned in false registrations. To hear the mainstream media narrative, the only perpetrators of voter fraud in 2012 are Republicans. That is not the case, and I know it first hand, because a representative of the President's re-election efforts attempted to disenfranchise my wife and me, simply because of our party affiliation.  

On June 21, 2012, I was leaving a Walmart store on Military Trail in Delray Beach, FL. On my way out, a man with a tiny Obama button on his hat and a clipboard claimed he worked for the supervisor of elections office.  He asked me if I am registered to vote. I told him I was. He then asked if I wanted to fill out an absentee ballot request for the primary and general. I did.

He then told me I could fill one out for my wife as well, as long as I signed her name "just like she signs it."

About a week later, I checked online to see if my absentee ballot request had been received.  It hadn't.  And that's why  I believe that Organizing for America (an affiliate of the President's re-election campaign) is cross-referencing ballot requests, and tossing out the Republican ones.  

The guy I met was friendly enough, and I'm not saying HE personally committed voter fraud (perhaps someone in the back office does the cross-referencing).  I remember that he was a white male, about 55, with brownish blonde hair and glasses.  He said he was a retired Chicago area optometry chain store owner, and that he had invented the concept of vision insurance.  He also said his son had been on the show Survivor. 

After doing some poking around on Organizing for America's Boca Raton Facebook page, I believe I've identified his photo.

I sent an email to the supervisor of elections office general inbox on July 27th, and was VERY IMPRESSED to get a phone call from Susan Bucher herself (she is Palm Beach County's elected supervisor of elections).  Despite being in the middle of a very nasty re-election campaign herself, she spent 8+ minutes on the phone with me.   I was so impressed with her prompt constituent service, and assurances that she would take action, that my wife and I both voted for her re-election on August 14th.

When news of the GOP voter fraud problem broke, I saw Bucher quoted extensively on MSNBC, bashing the Republicans for the story linked above.  Why didn't Susan Bucher go to the press with MY report of voter fraud?  Why the outrage over the GOP, but none for Team Obama?

So I post this for two reasons.  The first is to warn voters to verify your registration or absentee ballot request status before it's too late.  Second, for all the righteous indignation out there over the GOP's problems, both sides, unfortunately, are engaging in shady practices - reinforcing the need for uniform voter i.d. laws and elected officials who will publicly fight voter fraud, no matter its source.  

Sunday, August 12, 2012

You didn't build that!

Thanks to, I became aware of the Obama campaign's desire for small business owners to share their story of how President Obama's policies have helped small business succeed.  I shared the following:

  • For years, I've been doing political research.  Because of President Obama, there are a great number of conservative, Tea Party candidates running for office for the first time, and business has been great!  In addition, I'm involved with some SuperPACs that are raising money to run ads against the President's policies, and, once again, business is booming in that area as well!  Couldn't have been this successful without President Obama!

Wonder if he'll invite me to meet him and Sarah Jessica Parker?  You can visit the site HERE and share your story!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Random thoughts on the Ryan VP Pick

  • When Sarah Palin heard an attractive 40-something conservative from the North was Mitt's choice, she went on a shopping spree at Macy's.  When she heard it was Paul Ryan, she went shopping for another reality show.

  • I absolutely LOVE watching people try to pronounce Norfolk in a way that doesn't offend the locals, but also doesn't offend people who might hear NorF**K.  It's a delicate balancing act, and Rep. Ryan pulled it off better than Gov. Romney.

  • I'm grateful than Mitt and Paul must have been wearing Florsheims.  Tens of thousands of Democrats were praying they'd fall down those steel stairs on the USS Wisconsin.  

  • Speaking of Wisconsin, I like the way Ryan pronounces the name of his home state.  It's reminiscent of Chris Farley's accent.  Don't underestimate the SNL nostalgia vote!
  • Is widow's peak reduction surgery covered under ObamaCare?  I'm not asking for any particular reason.

  • A liberal female friend of mine said that "Paul Ryan's eyes are dreamy!"  She added he must be dreaming of pushing seniors off a cliff.  

  • Remember in 1992 when Bill Clinton used the line about working hard and playing by the rules?  Ryan used that line today, and it made me nostalgic for the Clinton era.  Amazing how Obama makes Clinton sound like Barry Goldwater.   

Monday, April 23, 2012

Laura Ingraham, WJNO, and random ramblings

What a wonderfully crazy couple of months it's been!  Of course, we here at KirkSpicer have been diligently doing our opposition research work, including work for a 527 that will soon release some amazing, groundbreaking ads pointing out Barack Obama's hostility to people of faith.

In the meantime, I had the privilege of meeting Laura Ingraham, a brilliant woman with an amazing radio show (see  She's hilarious, and a good sport.  At the event, sponsored by the Palm Beach Republican Club, Laura was also doing a book signing.  The organizers gave us notecards to write down what we wanted Laura to inscribe in our books.  Normal people wrote things like, "Dear John: Thanks for listening!"

Me?  Not so normal.  I wrote down, "Dear Barack: Go f**k yourself." And Laura, being the good sport she is, wrote: "Dear Barack, Go ___________ Yourself.  : )"  She's nothing if not a lady.  I mention this for two reasons.  One is to brag ("Hey, look at me with Laura Ingraham!")  The other is to point out that conservatives are not humorless dolts (are we are portrayed by the mainstream media).

Anyway, enough of my name-dropping.  Now I will engage in some good old fashioned shameless self-promoting.

Last week, I had the honor of filling in for Brian Mudd at NewsRadio 1290 WJNO on "The Morning Rush" from 5 to 9 am (yes, the de-facto flagship station of one Rush Hudson Limbaugh).  I was able to talk about what opposition research is all about, as well as give my take on the news of the week.

The co-host Jim Edwards, was gracious as always.  Jim is the kind of liberal who reminds me of my college professors: decent people I disagreed with who weren't afraid of free speech and a good debate.  Sadly, I think voices like Jim's have been drowned out by the Keith Olbermanns of modern day American "progressiveness."

Well, back to the grind.  Thanks for checking out the blog, and remember, if you or any candidates you know need some good research on their opponents, give me a call.

- Brian

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Advice for Candidates in 2012

After his amazing speech to the Boynton Beach Republicans, I asked WJNO's Brian Mudd (a fill-in host for Sean Hannity, Brian knows a few things about communicating effectively), what advice he has for candidates in 2012.  Take a look:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What I learned from Brian Mudd today

Brian Mudd is the program director for Newsradio 1290 WJNO in West Palm Beach, FL.  WJNO is the flagship station for Rush Limbaugh.  Brian hosts The Morning Rush with Jim Edwards, a regionally syndicated radio broadcast, weekdays from 5 to 9 am on WJNO.

Brian Mudd and Brian Kirk

Brian is also a proud conservative who spoke at the Boynton Beach Republican Club this afternoon, and I was privileged to introduce him.  Here are some highlights from his inspiring speech, which touched on fiscal conservatism, the 2012 election, finance, and personal growth and development.

  • 66% of Americans think that EVERYONE should pay federal income taxes, yet just 53% actually do. So there's hope.  
  • Most people get their news from unconventional sources, such as The Oprah Winfrey Show (when she was on), "Yuk-Yuk" Morning Shows, etc.  No wonder "Hope and Change!" wins elections.  
  • Passion + Talent = Unstoppable.  You cannot teach or manufacture passion.  
  • Roughly 40% of the electorate is solid Democrats, 40% is solid Republicans.  We need to focus on the 20% in the middle!
  • Conservatism, when executed properly, is inherently compassionate.
  • It is not "compassionate" that a child born today has $50,000 in debt right off the bat.
  • 18% of federal money spent actually goes to its intended recipients, yet 80% of non-profit money does.  
  • Natural gas is 80% cheaper than oil, but there's no comprehensive natural strategy to take advantage of it.
  • Brian is excited about the field of GOP candidates this year.  Who better than Ron Paul to tackle spending?  Who better than Newt Gingrich to balance the budget?  Who better than Rick Santorum to speak to the heart and soul issues that define our greatness?  Who better than Mitt Romeny to lead a turnaround?
  • 54% of Catholics voted for Obama in 2008.  He's now alienated a HUGE percentage of them.
  • Regarding class warfare against the rich: "Well, how many people does a poor person employ?"
Brian's speech was truly inspiring.  

Video to follow!

For more information on Brian and WJNO, visit

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What I learned from Ralph Reed last night

The Palms West Republican Club hosted an outstanding dinner last night.  Ralph Reed was the featured speaker.  You may recall that Reed was director of the Christian Coalition under Pat Robertson, chairman of the Georgia Republican Party, and a candidate for Georgia Lt. Governor.

Brian Kirk with Ralph Reed.

Whether you agree with his politics and theology or not, Reed is a brilliant political strategist, with an understanding of the big picture, as well as the minutia of campaigning.  Here are some things I learned from his talk last night:

  • 25% of evangelical church members are not even registered to vote.
  • 50% of America's unemployed have been so six months or longer.
  • 700,000 Floridians have "Choose Life" license plates.  
  • There are now 47 million Americans on food stamps.
  • 90% of homeless shelters in America are run by religious organizations.
  • 1 out of every 6 patients in a hospital bed today are in Catholic hospitals.
  • The birth control battle with ObamaCare and the Catholic Church isn't about birth control.  It's about liberty.  
  • Why has President Obama been unable to pressure the UN Security Council to produce a resolution on Syria?
  • Gov. Christie of NJ is the first pro-life governor of NJ in the post Roe v. Wade era.
  • Quote of the night: "I've got a lot of friends running for President, and I'm supporting all my friends." - Reed when asked who he is supporting.
Reed is a smart guy.  His new organization, The Faith and Freedom Coalition,, is planning to be actively involved in the 2012 cycle.

On a personal note, I was heartened to see people of several different faiths at last night's dinner.  The Faith and Freedom coalition will have a broader appeal than the Christian Coalition, and I look forward to participating in their grassroots efforts in FL in the months ahead.